King Joseph Scott Cao

These Scott Cao violins are handmade by individual makers, and are faithful copies of some of the most famous and iconic violins by the great Cremonese makers.All are set up with Dominant strings and Aubert bridge. We also have a selection of. Cao was the least affluent member of Louisiana's delegation in Congress: as of 2009 his assets were no greater than $195,000 and his potential liabilities amounted to $215,000, including student loans for himself and his wife. Violin s.cao v FMC 100 violin scott cao 750 (king joseph, cremonese) violin scott cao 750 E ( mesiaah, soil ) violin scott cao 750es copy stradivari.


Scott Shu-kun Cao is listed among the best-known contemporary violin makers in the world. His instruments are currently in the hands of soloists, famous professional players and collectors. For their tonal quality, Scott's instruments are renowned. Among makers, Scott's violins(12) are said to not only project a beautiful sound but are also aesthetically superior.

King Joseph Scott Cao 1

For a list of awards and some comments Scott has received on his instruments, please click here.

The following list represents players who have played in concert or currently own an instrument made by Scott Cao:

  • Nigel Kennedy Soloist
  • Mark Volkert Acting concert master of San Francisco Symphony
  • Bin Hwang Winner of the 'Paganini' Violin competition
  • Gideo Grau Conductor of the Palo Alto Philharmonic
  • Former conert master of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
  • Sheng Ko-Shu Concert Master of Taipei Symphony Orchestra
  • Byung Wookim Former concert master of San Jose Symphony Orchestra
  • Tim Barnes Principal violist with the Palm Beach Opera Orchestra
  • Nick Dargahi Cellist with the San Jose Symphony Orchestra
  • Johannsen Wei Violinist with the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra

For over ten years, Scott Cao has been copying famous violin models. Due to his vast experience, Scott Cao can individually tailor make instruments for any player's tonal requirements. He can vary one particular violin model to meet your preference of tone. For example, if you need a darker powerful tone, Scott can make a 'Cannon' del Gesu Guarneri or a 'Soil' Strad copy. If you prefer a sweet, clear and open tone, Scott can make a 'Kreisler' del Gesu Guarneri or a 'David Oistrakh' Strad.

Scott Cao can make exact copy of almost all the greatest violins played by the most famous players. After years of experimentation, the following list of models are highly recommended by Scott:

    • Copy of Strad
    • Copy of Guarneri
    • 'David Guarneri del Gesu' of 1740
    • The 'Kochanski' Guarneri del Gesu of 1741, used by Aaron Rosand
    • The 'Ysaye' Guarneri del Gesu of 1740, used by Isaac Stern
    • The 'Le Duc' Guarneri del Gesu of 1743, used by Henry Szeryng
    • The 'Conde de Fontana' Strad of 1702', used by David Oistrakh
    • The 'Emiliani' Strad of 1743, used by Anne-Sophie Mutter
    • The 'Paganini' Guarneri del Gesu of 1743, used by Nicolas Paganini
    • Copy of 'Paganini' Guarneri
    • The 'Kreisler' Guarneri of 1733 used by Fritz Kreisler
    • Copy of 'Kreisler' Guarneri
    • The 'Plowden' Guarneri of 1735

King Joseph Scott Cao 5

    • The Gasparo da Salo 15 1/2'
    • The 'Gibson' Strad 16'
    • The 'Archinto' Strad 16 1/2'
    • The G.P. Maggini 16 1/4'
    • The Antonio Stradivari of 1726
    • The G.P. Maggini of 1610
    • 'Giuseppe' Guarneri del Gesu of 1731
    • Francesco Ruggieri of 1695
    • Matteo Goffailler of 1725
    • Domenico Montagnana of 1739

If the style of instrument you prefer is not listed above, call us and we'll work with you. Instruments copied by master maker Scott Cao will be priced higher than those made by his shop staff. Scott Cao is confident that you will be satisfied with the tonal qualities of his instruments.

Standard Model

Instruments made of first-class Italian spruce and Bosnian maple, varnished with either a 'straight' or 'antique copy' varnish.

Superior Model


Using specially selected and treated wood older than 25 years, the instruments will sound like 50~100 years old.