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35305 total downloads Last upload: 3 months and 2 days ago Installers. Conda install linux-ppc64le v20.1; linux-64 v20.1; osx-64 v20.1; win-64 v20.1; To install this package with conda run: conda install -c ibmdecisionoptimization cplex Description. By data scientists, for data scientists. About Us Anaconda Nucleus Download Anaconda. The IBM CPLEX Community Edition runtime for Python. Conda Files; Labels; Badges; Error. Downloading the CPLEX 8.0 Student Edition for current users of command-line AMPL The CPLEX 8.0 student edition for AMPL is available for download for the following platforms. DEC (Compaq) Alpha workstations running OSF/1 v2.0; IBM PowerPC workstations running AIX; Intel (Pentium-compatible) PCs running Windows or Linux; Silicon Graphics workstations running IRIX 5.x or 6.x. Feb 03, 2017 You can solve OPL models with CPLEX on DOcplexcloud. Uploading a MOD file with optional JSON file(s) and/or zero or more DAT file(s) and/or zero or more Excel files. Uploading an OPLPROJECT file with a default run configuration, one or more MOD file(s), zero or more DAT file(s), and an optional OPS file.


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AMPL Quick Starts

To start learning about AMPL right now, download chapter 1 of the AMPLbook, then proceed in any of the following ways to access the AMPLsoftware and solvers:

1(from any web browser) Go to the Try AMPL! page, where you can sendmodels, data, and commands to a remote version of the AMPL StudentEdition and a selection of solvers. A simple web interface lets youchoose examples from the book and then experiment with changes in aseries of runs.

2(for Windows users) Download the AMPL StudentEdition zip archive file, Then follow the instructions below to unpack and run the AMPLprogram, the CPLEX 11.2, Gurobi 2.0, and MINOS 5.5 solvers, and the Kestrel client for free accessto additional solvers over the Internet. Once AMPL is running, you cantype commands just as they are shown in the AMPL book.

3(for Unix/Linux users) The AMPL Student Edition and compatible solvers are available for allof the popular Unix workstations, as well as for Linux and otherUnix-based operating systems on PCs.Consult the table in the instructions below todownload and set up the AMPL binary that is appropriate for yourplatform. Then visit our solver downloadinstructions to obtain one or more solvers for AMPL; Linux andSolaris users may alternatively download the Kestrel client to get access tosolvers over the Internet. Once AMPL is running, you can type commandsjust as they are shown in the AMPL book.

Want more? You can order the AMPL book to obtain anextensive introduction to the AMPL language. Files containing all ofthe book's examples, plus other AMPL models for many variedapplications, can be downloaded through our examples page.

Quick Start instructions for Windows

When you click to download, your web browser shouldautomatically unpack this zip archive. If not, double-click onthe file icon to unpack it. If you still can'tget the archive to unpack, your computer lacks a properly configuredzip-file utility; you can download a program such as UnZip, WinZip, or StuffitExpander to unpack zip files.

The unpacking procedure creates a folder named amplcmlcontaining the standard AMPL program (ampl.exe), the scrolling-window utility(sw.exe), executables for the solvers MINOS 5.5(minos.exe), CPLEX 11.2(cplex.exe and cplex112.dll), and Gurobi 2.0 (gurobi.exe and gurobi20.dll), and the Kestrel client(kestrel.exe) for free access to over a dozen more solvers viathe Internet. You may move and rename the amplcml folder towhatever is convenient for you.

To run AMPL using these files, double-click on sw.exe, and inthe window that appears, type ampl to load the AMPL program.At this point the window should show the following,

and you can proceed to enter commands at the 'ampl:' promptsas shown in the book. The default solver will be MINOS; enter thecommand optionsolvercplex to switch toCPLEX, or optionsolverkestrel to startusing the Kestrel client.

Quick Start instructions for Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X)

Download your AMPL executable by selecting the appropriatelink below:
  • DEC (Compaq) Alpha workstations running OSF/1 v2.0 or Linux
  • Hewlett-Packard9000 and compatible workstations running HP-UX
  • IBM RISCSystem/6000 and PowerPCworkstations running AIX
  • Intel (Pentium-compatible) PCs running Linux,FreeBSD, or Solaris
  • SiliconGraphics workstations running IRIX 5.x or 6.x
  • SunMicrosystems SPARC-based workstations running Solaris 2.5.1 (SunOS5.5.1) or later
The downloaded file must be decompressedby gzip to produce a file named ampl. This filemust be made executable, by a Unix command such as chmod+xampl, after which it may be executed from anydirectory in your search path.

To complete your AMPL installation, you can also download solvers to a directory in yoursearch path. To use a downloaded solver, set AMPL's solveroption to the name of the solver's executable file. For example, ifyou have downloaded cplex, enter the command optionsolvercplex before entering the solvecommand.

As an alternative or supplement to downloaded solvers, Linux andSolaris users can also download the Kestrel client to get access tosolvers over the Internet. Currently there are 15 Kestrel solversavailable for linear, integer, and nonlinear programming.

Comments or questions?
Write to info@ampl.comor use our comment form.

Back to AMPL home page.


IBM ILOG CPLEX is the best known and most widely used large-scale solver. Its efficiency and robustness have been demonstrated over two decades in thousands of commercial installations worldwide.



Developer: IBM ILOG

Current version: 20.1

Problem types supported: Linear and quadratic optimization in continuous and integer variables. Support is provided for both convex and nonconvex quadratic objectives, and for convex quadratic constraints.

Special forms detected: Logical implications in the form of “indicator” constraints. Convex quadratic expressions in objectives, and convex quadratic constraints of elliptic and conic types.

Algorithms available: For continuous problems, primal and dual simplex, interior-point (barrier); for integer problems, advanced branch-and-bound with presolve, feasibility heuristics, and cut generators. For continuous problems comprised mostly or entirely of linear network flow constraints, network simplex.

Special features: Shared-memory parallel processing for barrier, branch-and-bound. Concurrent optimization by several methods to determine best choice. Special facilities for parameter tuning and infeasibility diagnosis.

See also:ILOG CP for AMPL, covered by the CPLEX for AMPL license, for access to constraint programming and more general CPLEX handling of logical constraints.

Further information

CPLEX for AMPL option listing
CPLEX-AMPL interface source code with makefiles and instructions

Instructions for joining the IBM Academic Initiative

CPLEX for AMPL 12.2 User’s Guide

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